What if it rains on my wedding day?
– Will it be ok?
What if it rains on my wedding day? – Are you spending time worrying about the one thing that you have no control over? or can’t plan for your day? Well don’t! Honestly, it’s not worth your time or energy and you can’t do anything about it anyway. Just sit back, relax and know that it will all be just fine 🙂
Whatever weather gets thrown at you on your wedding day, it’s all just a part of your day and once your day is here, you won’t really care anyway (I promise!) All you will be thinking about it that your friends and family are here for you, all together for the day to celebrate the fact that both of you are declaring your love for one another and you want them to help you party hard!
And, if you do get the best of what Mother Nature gives us, then embrace it… Wind gives us awesome veil shots. Rain often gives us moody skies and epic night-lit shots. Sunshiny days often gives us epic golden hour shots.
I’m with you all day long so there will always be a time during the day where I will work with the weather, to get you the epic wedding photos that you deserve.
Taken at the fabulous Mill Barns during a very rainy day 🙂
If you want to have a chat about your wedding photos then please do get in touch and let me know all about your day.
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